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tv   Early Start  CNN  October 31, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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woman from jumping off a bridge. a bus driver spotted a distraught woman while driving his route in new york. his co-workers call him a big man with a big heart and darnell says it was meant to be. he was supposed to be there for her at that moment. >> amazing he did that. >> thanks for watching. "early start" begins right now. pandemonium as the red sox clench the world series title proving they are truly boston strong. we are live inside fenway park. we will tell you all about the celebration overnight and how the red sox pulled off this win for the ages. plus a monstrous halloween storm set to pound parts of the country. over 40 million people are in its path. indra petersons is tracking where it will hit the hardest. i went to my father and i
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said, what happened? obviously mom is overmedicated. >> a doctor accused of murdering his wife with a deadly dose of medication. his daughters now taking the stand to testify against him. good morning to you. welcome to "early start." ism zoraida sambolin. mr. john berman is very excited this morning! he is inside fenway park! >> reporter: yes i'm inside fenway park, the home of the world champion boston red sox. >> look, berman, i got to tell you. >> they won the world series! >> i'm very excited for you and super excited for boston because they really deserve it. i have to pick you i picked the lock to your office this morning and i stole -- can you see? i stole this. big papi now belongs to me so i was wondering, because i know you love this guy very much and he is essential, right, for the boston red sox in order to have won the world series. can i open up the fox finally and have him sit nix to me all
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morning? >> absolutely not! the value of that just increased exponentially. that man is a legend in this town and he walked four times last night. they wouldn't pitch to him they were so scared of him. an amazing night in boston to be sure. this city is feeling boston strong this morning. as i said, the red sox they are the world champions for the third time since 2004 knocking off the st. louis cardinals. it took six games. the victory was 6-1 last night and it was pretty, pretty decisive. boston fans have not seen the red sox clenched the world series since 1918 when they had babe ruth on their team. you see koji uehara celebrating with his teammates there.
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i mentioned 1918 the last time the boston red sox won the world series but not the date most people are thinking about in boston but april, the boston marathon bombings and everything that happened then and that journey from then to now has simply been amazing. >> reporter: victory at home, at last. absolutely jubilation flooding the streets. red sox nation celebrating their world series team win against the st. louis cardinals. >> this is what boston strong means! >> nothing defines boston than this moment right here. >> reporter: the excitement reaching a fever pitch. >> absolutely amazing game. red sox three times in nine years doesn't get better than that. >> reporter: down on the diamond, it was run. >> gomes is safe! >> reporter: and the run. >> it is gone! >> reporter: after run. >> it's caught.
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>> reporter: an absolutely blowout. >> it hasn't happened at fenway park for 95 years! the red sox are world champions. >> reporter: the red sox winning it and winning it at home. the last time the sox won in the shadow of the green monster was 1918, back when babe ruth played for the team. a steven stunted by world war 1. >> this isn't about breaking a curse but this isn't just about baseball. this team that finished dead last in the american league east last year came to symbolize resilience in the wake of the marathon boston bonmbings and this shirt they hung in their dugout and last night on their field, boston strong. it was this team that broke into
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small groups and quietly visited the victims of the attack. it was this team that played ball at fenway park the day after the city was shutdown in the final manhunt for the bombers. they opened the doors and filled the seats and came from behind and declared with no ambiguity. >> this is our [ bleep ] city. >> this team, this bearded brawny group of barbers and worst to first and tragic to magic collection of men proved there was prophecy in that profanity from david ortiz. now the people of boston can say in unison, this is our city, this is our team, this is our championship. jonny gomes is one of the players for the red sox said, he said we didn't put the city on our backs. the city put us on their backs. that's how the red sox feel about the city of boston. i should tell you you saw there was a great deal of celebrating last night in boston. it was a strange night to be sober, i have to tell you, on
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the streets of boston walking through there. there were nine arrests. this morning coming here, everything looks pretty much done, cleaned up and nothing serious i've heard about at least so far. i sat in these stands last night for the game all nine innings. it was amazing. a fairly emotional time, i have to say. i think i took it fairly well. there is me right there. that is after they won. i'm liking that moment right there. that's good. i'm singing "dirty water" right there, the theme song for the boston red sox. i was mostly smiles and a few moments of tension but not so good like this one. i had to step out for a moment to compose myself. i did compose myself luckily and that was me before the game, before the natural an ional ant. it was special for the team and for the team and because of
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everything that has happened here since april. no player on the red sox has really done more for this team and for this city since then than david ortiz. big papi. you know, i have the action figure sitting next to zoraida right there. he was the backbone of the team and he was impossible to get out in this world series. he won the world series mvp and andy scholes will profile his impact on the team and on the city in our next half hour. i'll be back then with a lot more of the all night celebrating. i got to take a brief nap before then and sleep at some point. >> have you had any sleep? you're awfully lucid this morning. i am shocked. >> i had about an hour. i had about an hour. who needs sleep when you have a world series title? >> absolutely. you're going on adrenaline. thank you so much. i'm so happy you were there. i was a little worried sending you there would jinx us but look at that. you came out boston strong. thank you very much. we will check back in with you. seven 7:00 minutes past the hour.
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the scariest thing this halloween might be the weather. a nasty system is getting ready to strike a big chunk of the country from the great lakes to texas so there is heavy rain, high winds and even possible tornadoes. some towns in ohio, indiana and kentucky, have postponed halloween until tomorrow. they are saying maybe they are going to celebrate on the weekend. the severe weather has already soaked kansas. people in the wichita area coping with heavy rain, hail, and winds that took down a lot of power lines in that area. in the high mountain passes near denver, there's snow. that's a look at interstate 70. denver should have a clear, but chilly, night for trick-or-treaters. you know who is tracking this for us? indra petersons who is tracking monday strster storm. >> it's affecting a huge chunk of the country. heavy rain and flooding potential and strong winds, you can see how big this system is and how much of the country it is expected to impact as it
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progresses overnight towards the northeast. currently the heaviest rain falling is through texas. take a look at the numbers as we look at flash flood warnings and watches throughout the region. austin, we are seeing places that had almost 6 inches of rain overnight. with that that will continue to be the concern that we see as it progresses farther off to the east. one of the things so unique about the system why we are so concerned and have that severe weather threat out there this is a water vapor satellite. all of the moisture content coming out of the south so there is so much moisture here for that system that brought that heavy snow to bend with as it makes its way east so that that is a concern here. we have the jet stream really lining up here so we are going to be talking about the severe weather threat. today this shifted farther east so ohio valley down through houston. look at all of these major cities that are under the gun tonight on halloween. everyone really needs to be aware as winds are going to be a big story. we see some of the winds gusting as high as 50 to 60 miles an
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hour without a thunderstorm so everyone's eyes need to watch for that. >> forewarned. thank you for that. appreciate it. for the first time since he became a national political candidate, a mantle of americans now disapprove of president obama's job performance. so new nbc/"wall street journal" poll is telling the story here. the president's approval rating sinking to 42%. that is an all-time low. and that is down five points this month alone. 51% of americans now disapprove of the president's job performance matching an all-time high. the head of the embattled nsa denying a "the washington post" report that the agency jecketly broke into the overseas servers of google and yahoo. insisting all information contained from the two internet giants was legal and ordered by the courts and that it was turned over willingly. those claims not sitting too well with yahoo or google. a yahoo spokesman denies the nsa
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was ever given access to the e data's center and google called the nsa's actions snooping and says the company will continue beefing up encryption security to combat it. iraq's prime minister is in washington this morning looking for help to combat al qaeda. al maliki will meet with president obama at the white house tomorrow and asking for weapons and training and manpower help his country counter a bloody resurgence by a terror organization. five iraqis have been killed by al qaeda attacks since april with 38 suicide bombings in the last month alone. a top secret briefing in washington today on iran. secretary of state john kerry meeting with top senators and expecting to argue with new sanctions on that country. the white house has been encouraged by recent multilateral talks with iran. critics say iran is using the talks as a stalling tactic giving it more time to advance
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its nuclear program. breaking news now. international officials confirming syria has destroyed all of its declared chemical weapons production and mixing facility. if that is true the assad regime has met a major deadline. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons says that it has inspected 21 of the 23 chemical weapons sites across syria with two locations too dangerous for them to visit. and it has satisfied all of the country's -- we will continue to follow this story. robert gates is getting ready for a new gig. the former secretary of defense was elected to the national board of the boy scouts of america. gates, a distinguished eagle scout, will serve as president-elect and take the rain reins for a two-year rain. he has continued his involvement
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with the boy scouts with giving him the skills and courage to succeed. cory booker will be sworn in as the new jery senator today. he is the first african-american senator for new jersey. vice president biden will swear booker in and expected to happen at noon. coming up -- >> she was very sedated and overmedicated when i went in that morning and she said, lexie, i don't know why, but your dad kept giving me medication. he kept giving me things telling me to swallow. >> a doctor accused of killing his wife to be with his mistress. explosive courtroom testimony condemning him and it comes from one of his own daughters. delta flight forced to make
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an emergency landing. and it is time for your morning rhyme. you're going to get some bonus points today if it is about halloween. #earlystart, #earlyrhyme and we will read the best one on our air in the next half hour. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer.
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i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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welcome back to "early start." 17 minutes past the hour. i'm zoraida sambolin. john berman is going to join us live from boston later in the broadcast. he has the big world series win this morning. first, we have dramatic testimony at the trial of a utah doctor martin macneill who is accused of killing his wife. three of macneill's daughter took the stand on wednesday telling the court why they believe their dad murdered their mother. cnn's jean casarez is following this trial. >> my mom was just wonderful. >> reporter: one by one, they took the stand. >> my mom was my best friend. >> reporter: three sisters
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testifying against their father martin macneill accused of murdering his wife so he could share a future with his mistress. >> who is martin macneill? >> it was my dad. >> is he in the court today? >> uh-huh. >> where is he seated? >> right there. >> vanessa describing for the jury a message she retrieved from her mother's cell phone shortly after her death. >> did you, in fact, tell investigators that were dad told your mom to not go anywhere, to take it easy? >> uh-huh. my father picked up the phone. he said that your mother is not breat breathing, she's in the bathtub. >> reporter: prosecutors say martin macneill forced his wife to have a facelift and gave her a laundry list of medications. >> reporter: i remember this. he told me he gave hear the
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valium and loritab and percocet at 1:30 and one ambien at 1:30 p.m. he said, lexie, i don't know why, but your dad kept giving me medication. i went to my father and i said, what happened? obviously, mom is overmedicated. she said she didn't want my dad to give her any more medication. she wanted me to be in charge. >> reporter: alexis was always suspicion of willis and said her father didn't take long to move his lover into their home. >> my dad called mimi on the phone and said i found the perfect nancy. he started to say, jill. i said, dad, gypsy jillian willis? i know that woman. i know mom was worried you're having an affair with that woman
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and you're not to bring her into this home. >> reporter: on cross-examination randy spencer tried to show alexis was a bias witness against her father and has changed her story over the years. >> just given new testimony that you haven't given any time before. >> no. i just answered this the specific questions that i've been asked. >> anna, another former mistress of the doctor testified how during pell low talk, martin told her he knew a way to cover up a murder. >> there's something you can give someone that's natural, that's there after they have a heart attack so it's not detectable after they have a heart attack. >> so you can give someone some sort of substance? >> yes. >> that is natural occurring in the body and it would be there after the heart attack but it would also start a heart attack? >> yes. >> so you could cause someone to have a heart attack and the drug would supposed to be there any way so you wouldn't be able to
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tell? >> that's correct. coming up a teenager's mysterious death inside a school gym. new surveillance video is coming up. ing through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. life in prison on or about death. federal prosecutors in the boston bombing case are expected to make the recommendation to u.s. attorney general eric holder today whether to seek the
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death penalty for dzhokhar tsarnaev. prosecutors had last week to make their own case against the death penalty. holder will make the final call. announcement examined today from the us attorney from georgia investigating the death of a teenager found rolled up in a gym mat in january. new surveillance video relieved you see kendrick johnson the day that he died at loundes county high school. he was walking from the hallway into the gym and onto the basketball court where others were playing. the footage does not show his death or anything leading up to him. you see him walking there on the right-hand side of your screen. a judge wednesday ordered the video released to johnson's parents who believe he was murdered. a state medical examiner ruled the teen suffocated after getting stuck in the mat. a delta airlines flight from tokyo to san francisco forced to
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make a emergency landing in alaska. the boeing was carrying 160 passengers and 11 crew members when it landed without incident. the crew declaring an in-flight emergency when a warning indicator showed a possible problem with one of the aircraft's engines. the engine automatically shut down but investigators still don't know why that happened. check out this dash cam video from milwaukee. an alleged drunk driver on the run hitting speeds near a hundred miles per hour, crashes into a wall and hits a deputy's car. the deputy was hurt. the driver hauled off to jail. authorities say he's a repeat offender. number 1,000 to be arrested for dui in milwaukee county since 2010. lawmakers say wisconsin needs tougher drunk driving laws. next, the boston red sox are on fire clenching the world series title. fans partying all night long,
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including our own john berman. he is going to have all of the highlights of the chaotic celebration. he's inside fenway park. can you believe it? no sleep and feeling really good this morning! [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. life could be hectic. as a working mom of two young boys angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job,
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world series champs! the biggest turnaround in baseball history! the boston red sox on top. celebration all night for a city that showed so much strength, so much heart in the last year.
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we are live right here at fenway park. man, we are feeling boston strong this morning. >> you know it's halloween. we have a scary halloween storm set to pound parts of the country this morning. millions are in its path and we are tracking where it is expected to hit the hardest. people talking around town about how they want to burn the house down with him inside of it. >> this is incredible. residents are outraged promising vigilante justice as a notorious serial rapist is set to be relieved into their community. they say they are taking matters into their own hands. i'm zoraida sambolin. we have john berman at fenway park. did you sleep at all last night? >> no but who needs sleep when you're world series champions? i'm here at the world champion boston red sox for the third time in nine years and i got to say there wasn't too much
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intrigue or doubt about it last night. boston won 6-1. the bearded brawny men almost seemed destined to win from the beginning. i don't know if you can see behind me right now. the infield here is still strewn with cups and beer cans here. quite a celebration that i think just ended a little while ago. so the team was celebrating out here on the field. they took that celebration into the clubhouse as well. they were popping corks and spilling champagne just about everywhere you can possibly imagine as they were celebrating their third world series title in nine years. their first win here at home since all the way back in 1918. it wasn't just the team that was celebrating. you're seeing fans celebrating in bars all across the city. man, were they packed! everyone in this town was either here at the stadium or at a bar watching the game. then after the game, there were celebrations on the streets,
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celebrations that were on the rowdy side. boston police say they made nine arrests last night. somehow this car turned over. can you imagine the car did not turn over by itself. not quite sure how it got like that. nine arrests. by the time we walked in this morning after about 4:00 a.m., largely the streets were empty and it looked mostly cleaned up. the people who were out celebrating, they were really just so thrilled. there was so much emotion because of what happened back here in april with the boston marathon bombings and people really wanted to celebrate this as a city together. let's listen. >> absolutely amazing game. red sox three times in nine years, it doesn't get better than that. u >> awesome. ortiz, hands down, mvp. final finally stephen drew getting on base. boston strong, everyone on the team. >> i got more high five's and hugs from people on the street
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last night than you can imagine, people i don't know, although i guess i know them pretty well now. the most poignant celebration was on boyleston street about a mile from here. the finish line of the boston red sox. people gathered there after the game and they celebrated together. that was the site of the bombings back in april and it was during that week that the red sox inspired the whole city and they were inspired themselves by this city. everyone came together and pulled through that week. the red sox the first ones in some ways to have the boston strong jersey in their clubhouse. they played a game the day after the bombers were apprehended and the first time the city came out of its shell after hunkered down. here are people lying down and really just so, so joyful.
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like i said it wasn't just the people of boston that were celebrating last night. the team so incredibly happy. david ortiz is the only red sox player has been on all three teams to win the world series for the boston red sox. he was the world series mvp and the rest of the red sox really the toast of the baseball world this morning. with everything on the line, he came out swinging. he was impossible to get out. you're looking at his teammate jonny gomes right there but rest assured david owner tes is celebrating just as much. andy scholes joins us now with highlights of the finale and a closer look at the mvp, big papi, who made it all happen. i'm happy he made it happen. andy scholes, great to see you this morning. >> great to see you too, john. i'm happy you were there to experience the first championship at fenway park in the last 95 years. what a night it was for the city of boston. the red sox hadn't won a series
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at fenway since 1918 so fans like john berman waiting their whole lives for a night like this. the cardinals were determined not to let big papi hurt them. they walked him four times in the game and he came back to bite them in the third inning. walking ortiz and walking jonny gomes, bases loaded for shane victorino and he launches one off the monster. the red sox scored six runs off cardinals rookie ace michael wacha and enough for john lackey pitching 6 2/3 innings of one-run baseball and the red sox won the game 6-1 and third world series title in ten years. after one of the most memorable postseason performances ever, big papi was the mvp of the world series and you can make the argument he is the mvp of the entire city of boston. >> reporter: there is something about big papi and boston and it's more than just the incredible stats and the
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paternal nickname. >> he's a great leader. when he speaks, everyone listens. he just gets you moftivated and great for the fans overall. >> he rises to the occasion. i mean, he is really cool and calm. >> a great person outside of the field. he is a symbol of the commute. >> reporter: david ortiz is the face of the franchise that has transformed before our eyes. no longer is the red sox known as a team mired in an 86-year championship drought and know world champions for the third time in daek aecade and ortiz i big reason why. >> david relish the moment and wants to be the guy people look toward. >> reporter: big papi is the only player playing for the red sox since their first world series championship in 2004.
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>> this is our [ bleep ] city. and nobody going to think different. stay strong. >> reporter: just like he lifted the spirit of the city, big papi rallied the red sox in the dugout during game four when things were looking grim and since that moment, the red sox haven't lost. big papi was already considered the greatest clutch hitter in red sox history. now he is going to go down as one of the greatest world series performers as well. he has been at his best on the biggest stage of baseball and that why he has earned the second nickname. >> that's why we call him cooperstown. he does hall of fame stuff on a regular basis around here. >> this is for you, boston. >> reporter: when you ask boston fans who their sports heroes are, the first name people usually say is larry bird, tom brady but after what david ortiz did for this city this year, big papi, his name has to be at the top of that list.
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>> i got him this morning in the studio. it was a coup. this is john berman's little doll and i'm threatening to open it but i think i'll keep it here and have him celebrate with us all morning. thank you, andy. 'appreciate it. president obama using boston as a backdrop to fight for his health care hauoverhaul. he is calling out members of congress who continue to fight the reforms. >> and anyone defending the remnants of the old broken system as if it was working for people, anybody who thinks we shouldn't finish the job of making the health care system work for everybody, especially when these folks offer no plan for the uninsured or the underinsured or folks who lose their insurance each year, those folks should have to explain themselves. >> so while the president was in
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boston, health and human services secretary -- sebelius was on the capitol hill hot seat and apologizing for the health care website woes and promising to have them fixed by november. a big portion of the country from the great lakes to texas is bracing for a winter storm. it's in the forecast for 40 million people. some towns in ohio, indiana an kentucky have postponed halloween until maybe the weekend. wichita, kansas coping with heavy rain and hail and winds and took down trees and power lines and minor flooding outside of houston. that area expected to get some heavy downpours today. you know who is tracking all of this for us?
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indra petersons. you have your work cut out for you. >> a busy day. what the weather is like today and the severe component to it. looking at the storm that brought snow in through colorado today and making its way east and affect you if you live from the plains all the way to the northeast. that is how massive this system is. we are talking about 53 million of you having the threat for severe weather. it's a slight risk today and pretty much from detroit all the way down through houston. look at these major cities that are under the gun. memphis, nashville, st. louis you have a threat especially for strong thunderstorms and even strong winds out there. the key here is look at the storm as it makes its way east. these are relative humidity numbers. we are seeing this moisture coming out of the gulf so this system is moving into an area we really see that typical kind of moisture in the springtime. with that the fire of threat for thunderstorms and strong winds from 50 to 60-mile-per-hour wind on halloween and even heavy rain
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and flash flooding. >> at least you're watching it for us and forewarned is always good. thank you. >> sure. coming up. >> let's go through it because then he can't live here. >> this is a town that is terrified that a repeat serial rapist will move in next door. how they are taking matters into their own hands. that is coming up next. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "limit the cash i earn every month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, what's in your wallet? that's it? is go out to dinner. everywhere, every single day. i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great... he's using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants
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huh the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on entertainment, with no annual fee. go to but it doesn't usually work that way with health care. with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and cost estimates, so we can make better health decisions. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. and better is so easy withrning you cabenefiber.o something better for yourself. fiber that's taste-free, grit-free and dissolves completely. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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welcome back to "early start." residents of a los angeles suburb are making it very clear they don't want a convicted rapist moving into their community. santa clara county judge ruled last week that 62-year-old christopher hubbard, the so-called pillow case rapist, can move into the lake los angeles home when he gets out of jail possibly in december. that home approved by the judge was sand liesed tonight and they say they are netting up.
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>> how am i supposed to go into my bedroom and lay down going to sleep knowing he can come in? there's people talking around town how they want to burn the house down with him inside of it. >> hubbard admits raping nearly 40 women between 1971 and 1982. one neighbor says she is considering opening a day care center right across the street from the house so it won't be legal for hubbard to move into that home. let's take a look what is coming up on "new day." chris and kate are joining us this morning. happy halloween. >> happy halloween. good morning, zoraida. >> was the nsa tapping into communication links between yahoo and google? no, the snas sansa says it wasn. we will dig in and tell you what we believe the truth to be. of course, it is halloween if you needed a reminder. unintentional orange. but there is some of the orange to show you. we are going to be asking when
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does a costume go too far? two high school coaches near san diego are under fire this morning for wearing black face at a party and they were dressed as a jamaican bobsled team. we will ask the question, when will people learn? >> oh, my goodness. that is never cool. thank you for that. check in with you later. a tight squeeze for a tucson teenager who got locked out of his home. he panicked so he decided to climb up to the roof and enter through the chimney! you know what happened. he got stuck! firefighters had to come and pry him out. listen to the boy's mother describe the moment and the chat she had with her son after he was freed. >> i came home and i kept hearing these noises and the next thing i hear this faint mom, mom. never, never, ever, ever you go down a chimney!
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>> words to live by. the young man suffered a few scratches but other than that, you can see he is okay. folks, it's time now for the morning rhyme, our tweet of the day and coming from mary elizabeth rumsy who writes the candy bowl is full and we have reserved our seat to handle all of the ones who will trick-or-treat. that is perfect for halloween! thank you for chiming in this morning. tweet us. we love these and they make our day. coming up, does wall street really like facebook this morning? what sent the social media website stock on a roller coaster? that is next in "money time." cashback concierge, here. what is a cashback concierge? well there's lots of ways you can get cash back. i'm here to help you get the most out of your cash rewards. it's personalized, and it's free. i want that. we have a concierge! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with cashback concierge. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh. little help here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. anybody? that's why there's new duracell quantum. only duracell quantum has a hi-density core. and that means more fuel, more power, more performance than the next leading brand. new duracell quantum. trusted everywhere. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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welcome back to "early start." it is "money time." christine romans is here. in honor of halloween. >> in honor of halloween.
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a thriller. facebook had teenage anxiety. the world largest social website is see ago dip in teenage usage. when the company said its mobile business was doing really well the stock jumped 15% and later said usage among teams was dipping and the stock came right back down. aside from testy teens facebook is firing on all cylinders and has more than a billion active users and 18% from a year ago and mobile ad revenue makes up half of its advertising sales. the stock it doubled over the last three months. users began to access facebook more on mobile phones. the stock is doing well. nothing, nothing spookier than a congress that can't keep the lights on and we expect that the government shutdown could have a chilling effect on halloween spending this year. it will likely hit $6.9 billion and down from 8 billion last
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year. according to the national federation society. here is the breakdown how most of you will spend your money. average will spend on candy and decoration is down 5 bucks from last year. we do not skimp on our pets. 22 million will play dressup with hair pets and spending $330 million on costumes for fido! >> insane! >> here is a pop quiz for you. zoraida, you what i do this is the number one job skill employers want? >> it has to be something tech related. >> you would think so. but the skill that they really want right now, flewenuent in a foreign language. >> any particular foreign language? >> they can earn up to $200,000 if you work in the military, government contractors, if you
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work in a war zone is where the big money is. if you don't want to put were life on the line, higher salaries are available for translators or interpreters who specialize in legal, medical, or scientific knowledge. >> but we don't know which languages? >> chinese, spanish. they have software you can use in hospitals so you can sit down and put headphones on and speak. if you have somebody in big cities who special these languages, especially in the legal fields too, wow, you could have a nice career. >> wonderful. i love that. parents, listen up! >> this is i think a big reminder for schools this is an important skill for people to have and learning a second language comes very important. >> thank you very much. coming up, they are calling it a miracle. a store clerk shot in the chest but walking away uninjured. the attack and what saved him all caught on camera.
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so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter.
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talk about a smartphone. new staleance video shows the moment a robber shot a store clerk in the chest. this is in central florida. that clerk saved by his cell phone. the panicking 911 call afterwards reveal how a coworker couldn't believe what just happened. the bullet hit a cell phone's victim in the front pocket and likely saving his life. but the bad news is the gunman is still on the loose.
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that is it for "early start." "new day" begins right now. it hasn't happened at fenway park for 95 years! the red sox are the world champions. >> boston strong. the red sox triumphant routing st. louis for their first championship win at fenway in nearly a hundred years. what a year to win it. we are live at the ballpark. monster storm. winds, blinding rain, hail sweeping across the eastern u.s. what does this mean for your trick or treating plans? we will attack it all. the nsa accused of hacking into google and yahoo's database. just how much of your information do they have? your new day starts right now.
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welcome to "new day," it's october 31st. you know what that means. halloween, :00 in the morning. very nice costume. you are looking live at fenway park where the celebrations are ending after quite a night. we want to show you two images. the red sox win it all. they pile on top of each other, team, team, team, no team shows it more than these guys have. set off a celebration across the city. then this, this is the finish line at the boston marathon last night. we remember that's what boston strong is all about. the fans took a moment to remember what happened there just six months ago. we get inside the game and its larger importance in a moment. >> quite a moment it was. also ahead, an exclusive interview with vice president joe biden as he apologizes for the obama care website rollout. he's the highest ranking administration official to do so so


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